Saturday 11 May 2013

Outcasted: The Rebuttal Between Natural & Normal

I write with a deep aching inside of me this morning. From what I understand, my heart, mind, and soul are being affected. My body is simply tired though. God, do I honor you with my life? I do not want to use my natural and parochial mind, but I want to hold to your thoughts. Natural is not synonymous with Normal (in this case, referring to what God's intentions for humanity are). Sometimes I sense that people think I'm a lunatic when I share my perspectives though; the perspectives that I obtain as I learn more about who you are, Jesus Christ. Surely I wasn't meant to belong within the limitations of this society, was I? I don't want to be Natural, I want to become Normal. I feel alone, but I thank you God for your unconditional love. May I not forget what you have told me.

Album of the day: For Today - Portraits


  1. I like that song!! thanks for sharing it :)

    1. Not a problem. I'm happy to hear that you liked it =)
