Thursday 30 May 2013

I'm Sorry ... I Think?

I'm sensing some foolishness in using replacements for crude language (both in the "Fudge" post and in general). It is not my intention to come across as an "everything is okay if I use euphemisms" type of person. I'm sorry if I make Christians look bad. I'm sorry if I make God look bad. So, why do I use those words? I think they sound stupid / funny, and sometimes I enjoy stupid and funny things. That was a repetitive sentence. I don't think of myself as being "cool" for using them, as it's more of a joke than anything. I should take the words that I write and speak into deeper consideration. And while I'm writing this, I may as well add: I think that there are appropriate times to use explicit language. I also believe that explicit words should not be used glibly, but carefully. That is only my opinion though, and that's as far as I'm going with this topic. The End.

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