The Serpent, The Center, The Knowledge

Genesis 3:3 mentions that the tree of knowledge of good and evil is located in the middle of the garden of Eden. As the story goes, this was the tree that God told them not to eat from (Genesis 2:16, 17). Good and evil are obviously opposites. If a person knows both, than they are in between the two, thus holding a placement in the middle. Can you see where I'm going with this? This also reminds me of the verses that talk about being lukewarm. I'd say that I'm a lukewarm person, as I have a tendency to turn away from making choices. My main question is this: am I still not supposed to have a knowledge of evil? Also, what does knowledge of evil exactly entail? Turn on the news: knowledge of evil. Look inside my heart: knowledge of evil. Look inside my mind: knowledge of evil. Look at the lives of others: knowledge of evil. Nothing on this earth is perfect, thus it is flawed, and nothing that's truly Godly would be flawed, would it? So, does this indicate that everything is evil? That's part of why I have trouble enjoying much of anything, because I'm scared that I'm wasting time on these imperfect, evil distractions. Aiming for something above mortality: it sure seems blistering. I'm in this state more often than the one that includes God's peace, and clarity. I think I've been there before; it's something that I can't quite put to words. How is it that God makes us anyway? Does he actually create every person, or is that a misconception? Is God a re-animator of sorts, thus only designing those who are saved? Don't people start out naturally evil? How can we come from God?
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