Psalm 113 says:
For You formed my inward parts;
You wove me in my mother’s womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.
I'm sure that a lot of people find gladness when they read this passage. To know that you were formed by the one Holy God should make you feel good about yourself, right?
Did God give a soul to every body? Does he form each physical body? Does he only form the soul of those who embrace him? Is our conscience a part of the soul?
Does anything come into existence from humanity in and of itself? Is there anything that's really "ours to own?" Of course, a lot of things come through humanity, but what is humanity in and of itself?
I've come to believe (and be saddened by) this idea: the only true creators are God and the Devil. One might argue against this idea and say: "Well, what about all of the paintings, the music, the films, which have been created by humans over the years?" The art in and of itself may have been created with human hands, but where did those hands come from? Where did the idea of mixing sounds, and paints, and visuals together come from? How did you obtain your senses to create art, and interpret art? What message are you communicating through your hands? What exactly are you saying with your mouth (and especially your heart)? What are your visuals portraying? Why do you want your audio or visuals to portray that? Will your art affect the human soul in any way? Are you only selfish and begging for attention?
If in fact God and the Devil are the only two creators, than that's my problem. IT MAKES ME FEEL WORTHLESS. Wouldn't that just make me a partial God and occasional Devil? Is this what humility among humanity feels like? Why can't I just be me? Is the idea of "being truly unique" only a facade? Who are we as people? What are we?
(Drawing created by:
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