Thursday, 2 October 2014

Trying To

Observation seems just as worthwhile as involvement. When I ponder the origin of relations, it seems to me that observation must have come before involvement. There is some degree of will involved in any form of involvement, n'est pas? No separate things just happen to become involved with one another. Internal observation happens before acted out involvement happens. I loathe involvement. I shouldn't at this point because I view myself as being an existentialist. I must be an existentialist within an anti-existentialist? My actions are opposite to my desires. I must be a modern day Paul. Or Thomas, perhaps?

Nobody truly fears the unknown. Of course, you can hold a fear toward something without knowing what it is. But you cannot fear the unknown in and of itself. If something is unknown to you in every plausible way, then how could you have a fear toward it? The unknown has no presence whatsoever toward individuals. I think that people fear possibilities, seeds already sown within their minds, but I do not think that people fear the unknown.

You know, it's not as useless as it might initially seem to think about the barns you see in the countrysides. They could be paper mache facsimiles after all! You think you know that they are barns, but do you know? I have used the word "know" nine times in this entry. Now I have used it ten times. Thanks Alvin Goldman for inspiring me to think about the actuality of the barns I see in the countrysides - I'll try to be better than Henry. I was going to write some angst-ridden words against you, but I have since put them aside. How could I stay angry at such charming philosophy?

People think it's good to laugh, but how many of the things commonly laughed at are good to laugh at? The sad truth is that there just isn't much regard for ethics and morality in entertainment. I wonder what people laughed about in Biblical times? Based on the verses I know that mention laughter, people laughed in mockery toward other people, laughed in a state of drunkenness, laughed in doubt of God, and laughed in awe of God. God laughed sometimes too. Although, I'm not sure why. I'm even less sure than I was before. However, it seems that God was laughing at his own creation in a mocking sense. God really isn't for some of us, it seems. I can't blame him for laughing, humans are fools. There's not an iota of secular humanism in that statement.

I want to be a shape. I am trying to be a shape. I want you to be a shape. You seem repulsed at my request for you to be a shape, is that true?

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